John Cimino - President Creative Leaps and Creative Skills Training Council Foundation Member on the Life of Creativity and Leadership

John Cimino is president of Creative Leaps International (1992), The Learning Arts (1982) and founding president and CEO of the parent company, Associated Solo Artists, Inc. (1972). Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (biology & physics), the State University of New York at Albany (learning theory), and the Manhattan and Juilliard Schools of Music (music & voice), Cimino holds a uniquely interdisciplinary perspective and works across a host of disciplines dedicated to learning and human development. He is the winner of more than 20 national and international awards and prizes as an operatic and concert performer and has performed to acclaim throughout Europe and the continental United States in productions including LA BOHEME (Academy of Music, Philadelphia, opposite tenor Luciano Pavarotti, and LUISA MILLER (International Verdi Festival of Busetto, Italy, opposite tenor Carlo Bergonzi).
As a champion of the arts in education and professional life, Cimino has brought his "Concerts of Ideas" and other innovative arts programming into projects of the White House, the Center for Creative Leadership, WDC's Center for Excellence in Municipal Management, and the leadership training programs of dozens of Fortune 500 companies including GE, IBM, Pfizer, McDonnell Douglas, the SC Johnson Company and Starbucks as well as to numerous universities and professional organizations.
Recent projects include presentations before the Global Leadership Forum (Istanbul), the International Organization Development Association (Guanajuato, Mexico), the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society (Irvine, Ca), the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (Alexandria, VA) the Association for Managers of Innovation (Greensboro, NC) and the "Crossing Paths" Conference on interdisciplinary approaches to artist development (Indianapolis, IN). Cimino is also a consultant and advisor to universities engaged in interdisciplinary reorganization and the introduction of arts-based teaching and learning, together with leadership, creativity and entrepreneurship initiatives, across the university curriculum.
He recently addressed international members of the Creative Skills Training Council about the life of creativity and leadership -
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