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The Role of the Media in Business Forecasting

One of the major questions one has to ask is what role has the mainstream media played in the global financial crisis - in particular the role of TV business commentators.

This video provides very compelling evidence that mainstream media, in this instance TV, has not only been a participant in the most unreliable way, it actually distorts the truth. When you look at this video, you will view the claim that media represents responsible views as the bogus claim it really is. Here are leaders in government and business and their partners in crime the journalists making claims that can be seen as totally incorrect. The paradox is that the media can only ever represent the moment and it is those fragments of information in the moment that the media claims represent reality.

The great challenge at the moment is - who can we rely on to provide us with real information about what's going on? It seems we might have to rely on writers of satire to do that.


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