Can you define the dramas that impede your business so you can direct them towards your desired outcomes?
Most businesses operate in highly complex environments involving dramas at many levels.
There are
- Strategic organisational dramas in which business leaders create the purpose, vision strategies and culture that govern all the transactions that take place within the business
- Operational dramas in which internal and external people engage in business development, sales and service dialogues; presentations, pitches and briefing sessions; negotiations, mediations and conflict resolutions
- Personal dramas – the dialogues that go on within people’s minds that determine the amount of discretionary effort and creativity that they bring to their role.
All are interdependent.
When an individual finds personal relevance in a corporate vision that encourages them to bring more of themselves to a relationship, all your dramas are working collectively to add value to the business.
When the dramas are disrupted by a lack of integrity, at any level, the performance of the whole business suffers.
The Process
"The Dramas Driving Your Business"(C) asks leaders to
- use story-telling techniques to surface the dramas
- visualise the environment and characters that live the drama
- create scripts to capture the essence of the drama
- dramatise the script to find resolutions to the inherent dramas in the organizationl story
Leaders who are accountable for the health and well-being of their organisations will benefit from gaining insights into how to deconstruct common corporate dramas and find solutions that help to optimise performance at all levels.
The Outcome
You will learn to:
- Tap into the intelligence that is present in any corporate dialogue
- Identify the drivers of the drama and see how they are affecting the performance of individuals, teams and the business as a whole
- Develop creative intervention strategies that steer the energy of the people in your business towards more desirable outcomes, be they about retention, sales, innovation, operating efficiency, growth or profit.
Most of all the Dramas Driving Your Business will give you powerful insight into how to reach into the deep core of your business to effect change.
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