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Interviews on Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation

A history of interviews with leaders by The Creative Leadership Forum, our associates and other media.


Entries in Education (11)


Rosemary Howard and Ralph Kerle podcast on Leadership, Creativity and Innovation


Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

Kids are not frightened of being wrong. If you are not scared of being wrong - mistakes could be the worst thing... you can make Education - what's it for - here is an interview that will take you out of the educational "academic ability"

The Age of Creation Intensification - Will education authorities help??

What can I say... Here is some practical advice...

Top Scientists Fauci, Baltimore and Zuber

Washington Post have an interesting interview here...

Podcast Interview with Stuart Hamilton, CEO of Open Universities

I recently interviewed Stuart Hamilton on his thoughts on creativity and creative leadership. Stuart is CEO of Open Universities, Australia's leading supplier of online education with close association with 7 universities and links to other major universities as well.

Stuart is also chair of the Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority, Secretary of the National Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences and a member of the Victorian Skills Commission. He was Executive Director of the Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee (now Universities Australia) from 1996 to 2001. He was also foundation CEO of the Victorian Innovation Economy Advisory Board and headed several State and Commonwealth Departments. Previous Board appointments include the Council of La Trobe University, the Academic Senate of Melbourne University Private, the Australian Council for Educational Research, the International Association of Universities and the Australian Qualifications Framework Advisory Board. He studied at the Universities of Tasmania and Oxford and the ANU and has degrees in English language & literature and economics.

Download the podcast here