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Interviews on Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation

A history of interviews with leaders by The Creative Leadership Forum, our associates and other media.



Metaphor - How It Misleads, Discovers and Shakes - James Geary - YouTube

One of a handful of the world's professional aphorists, James Geary has successfully fused early creative endeavors in performance art, poetry and juggling with his childhood fascination with the "Quotable Quotes" column in Reader's Digest. His books Geary's Guide to the World's Great Aphorists and the bestselling The World in a Phrase are invaluable journeys through the often-ignored art of the witty (and memorably brief) summation. His next book is about the secret life of metaphors, and how metaphorical thinking drives invention and creativity. Geary is a former writer for Time Europe and is now an editor for Ode magazine, a print and online publication devoted to optimism and positive news.

Charles Leadbetter, Author - We -Think, The Power of Mass Creativity on Shaping Ideas


David Kester, CEO, Design Council UK, on how to foster a culture of innovation

David Kester Chief Executive,the Design Council UK talks to Harvard Publishing about fostering a culture of innovation and how managers must look outward to identify consumers' problems and spark ideas for solving those problems.

The Leadership Intersection Between Story and Innovation and How It Works

Dr Nick Nissley, Executive Director, Banff Centre Leadership Development Programme offers a really interesting TED presentation on narrative competency, experience and failurejavascript:noop()

Play and Why Murderers Help Us To Understand The Importance of It - with Dr Stuart Brown

Dr. Stuart Brown, Founder of the National Institute of Play, came to research play through research on murderers -- unlikely as that seems -- after he found a stunning common thread in killers' stories: lack of play in childhood. Since then, he's interviewed thousands of people to catalog their relationships with play, noting a strong correlation between success and playful activity.

With the support of the National Geographic Society and Jane Goodall, he has observed animal play in the wild, where he first concieved of play as an evolved behavior important for the well being -- and survival -- of animals, especially those of higher intelligence. Now, through his organization, the National Institute for Play, he hopes to expand the study of human play into a vital science -- and help people everywhere enjoy and participate in play throughout life.