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Executive Development in Creative Leadership

A simple 10 sessions face to face or on-line programme

to put you on the pathway to becoming

a strong insightful creative leader.

  • Are you or your team faced by challenges that impede your ability to lead and implement creatively?
  • Want to develop your own creative leadership capabilities to enhance the way you lead your team?
  • Want to work with the many stakeholders for which you have responsibility in a less challenging and more creative and holistic manner?
  • Seeking to refresh, enhance and broaden your current creative and strategic thinking informing your leadership decision making?
  • Seeking opportunites to train and develop your team’s creative leadership skills?

The Creative Leadership Forum Executive Coaching for Creative Leaders offers solutions.


Executive Coaching for Creative Leaders


An IBM Global Creative Leader 

The Creative Leadership Forum's philosophy for executive development in creative leadership is built on three foundational principles.

Self directed Learning and Leadership

  • Self- directed learners identify what they want to know, seek out ways to attain the skills or knowledge then take the initiative and action to learn.
  • Self directed leaders have a clear purpose and take initiative to lead themselves through their life towards their goals.


  • Engaged people give wholly of themselves, are present and focused, have a desire to contribute and make a difference, get personal satisfaction from their work, often give discretionary effort and are possibility thinkers excited about futures. They define the formula for learning

Mined Intellectual Capital

  • Intellectual capital is the collective skills, knowledge and experience both you and your coach have. To mine the intellectual capital means to actively use the resources, time and cross pollination of this joint knowledge to gain insights, to explore options and scenarios, to act and experience and to reflect and to learn.

How These Principles Are Manifest

The Creative Leadership Forum Executive Coaching Programme offers a minimum of 10 week face to face 1 hour meetings in which

• You clarify your challenges and frame them into questions for exploration and learning.

• You discover your preferred leadership and innovation thinking styles and how it affects the way you work, collaborate and engage as a leader using assessment tools and techniques.

• You envision your future as a creative leader and create a pathway towards that vision.

• You commence a learning journey designed to move you towards that vision.

The Process in Practice

Each session has an agreed agenda and commences with a conversation around the previous session and reflections on learning or insights gained as a result.

During the programme, you are asked to keep a personal journal as a form of reflection for your use only; the content of which you only reveal if you feel appropriate.

At the end of the 10 week programme, there is a review of your accomplishments, closure for this period and agreed path forward.

The programme is offered globally using GoToMeeting

For an initial confidential discussion and fees


Dr.Ralph Kerle (directly)

The Creative Leadership Forum

e: rk@thecreativeleadershipforum.com

We respect and understand your need for privacy and confidentiality.

The Creative Leadership Forum privacy policy can be viewed here


Click here if you would information on this programme.


What clients have said...

  • Inspiring, Connecting, Passion, Evoking. This program is a must for anyone who is involved in Leadership Development and wants to take themselves and others to the next level of creativity and effectiveness
  • This programme opened my heart and my mind in ways that will undoubtedly help me to create and participate in conversations that create. Exactly how, I can't yet say. What I do know is that the combination of provocative processes and ideas, enquiring and accepting minds …. was a winner. 
  • It really helped me see things in a new way. Outside the science-rational paradigm so the arts based activities have given me an alternative perspective..       
  • This is that rare programme which allows individuals to tap into their creative potentials in ways which most coaching sessions just don't reach: it is richly experiential and very practical.      
  • The interface between the conscious mind and the great well of the unconscious is the frontier of functional creativity - this programme took us to that place, allowed us to play and sent us home with fresh and practical ideas and insights.          
  • This programme provides a stimulating and challenging opportunity to discover what has been left out of many similar programmes. For any leader who is genuinely motivated to create something anew, this is not to be missed.