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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in Science (10)


Innovation is born when art meets science | John Maeda, Rhode Island School of Design | The Observer

The technology and design guru argues that for invention to occur, scientists must embrace the art world John Maeda at the Rhode Island School of Design John Maeda at the Rhode Island School of Design Photograph: David O'Connor Photography A graphic designer and computer scientist, known for his work on the online computer game Second Life, as well as the author of bestselling self-help book The Laws of Simplicity, John Maeda has made great use of dual educations at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and art school. Drawing from his experiences in these two disciplines, the 44-year-old has come to believe that too stark a distinction is drawn between science and the arts

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The Poet and The Scientist Debate How To Reclaim the Shared Language of Wonder

Ever since the romantic poet John Keats accused Newton of trying to unweave the rainbow in his poem Lamia, science and poetry have lost a common tongue. Listen to this wonderful podcast from ABC Radio National's Big Ideas Programmes entitled Weaving the Rainbow: The Poet and The Scientist Speak as two of Australia's leading cultural icons, Barry Jones and Les Murray discuss and share views on how science and arts might regain a shared language for wonder.

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Neuroscience May Have An Answer to the Nature vs. Nuture Debate : Jim Falloon, NPR

The criminal brain has always held a fascination for James Fallon. For nearly 20 years, the neuroscientist at the University of California-Irvine has studied the brains of psychopaths. He studies the biological basis for behavior, and one of his specialties is to try to figure out how a killer's brain differs from yours and mine. About four years ago, Fallon made a startling discovery. It happened during a conversation with his then 88-year-old mother, Jenny, at a family barbecue. "I said, 'Jim, why don't you find out about your father's relatives?' " Jenny Fallon recalls. "I think there were some cuckoos back there." Fallon investigated. "There's a whole lineage of very violent people — killers," he says.

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Dawkins - How Science is An Art

While many, including Darwin himself, have misunderstood the work of a scientist as the dull grinding of facts and theories, Richard Dawkins sees the career as a colorful and incredibly creative enterprise—akin, in many ways, to the highest poetry and most imaginative art.

Blind Man Sees With Subconscious Eye

Scientists are reporting the remarkable case of a blind man who can see. Check out this video:

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