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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in Design (37)


Innovation is born when art meets science | John Maeda, Rhode Island School of Design | The Observer

The technology and design guru argues that for invention to occur, scientists must embrace the art world John Maeda at the Rhode Island School of Design John Maeda at the Rhode Island School of Design Photograph: David O'Connor Photography A graphic designer and computer scientist, known for his work on the online computer game Second Life, as well as the author of bestselling self-help book The Laws of Simplicity, John Maeda has made great use of dual educations at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and art school. Drawing from his experiences in these two disciplines, the 44-year-old has come to believe that too stark a distinction is drawn between science and the arts

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Slow design (as opposed to slow food) - a film on the design process in 50's

If you like slow food, then you will love this 15 minute film as it captures the beauty of slow design. This original film from the 50's follows the prototyping and modeling of the decanter from of one America's truly great design company's Landor Associates. What it also alerts us to is the loss of the process and most especially the humanity of design as a craft maintained in a nuanced fashion through practice and peers.

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Never-Ending Drawing Machine: MIT's Collaborative Creativity Station | Design for Good | Big Think


Whether or not there is a creativity crisis may be up for debate, but one thing is clear: Our current education system is failing to create an environment that truly fosters creativity and engages the various components of its making – play, collaboration, flexibility, multi-modal stimulation. Now, a new application out of MIT Media Lab is aiming to address some of these issues.

The Never-Ending Drawing Machine is a collaborative creativity station, aimed primarily at kids, that allows users to digitally edit each other's analog, paper sketchbooks. Collaboration can take place either locally or remotely, as the system lives on the cloud. Designed by MIT grad student David Robert and colleagues, NEDM offers a promising platform for virtual co-creation not only within the classroom but also between classrooms around the world, offering yet another tool in our ever-growing arsenal for global, cross-cultural collaboration.

NEDM is built on TouchDesigner, a visual programming environment by realtime animation software provider Derivative, available for free for non-commercial personal and education use.

Maria Popova is the editor of Brain Pickings, a curated inventory of miscellaneous interestingness. She writes for Wired UK, GOOD Magazine and Huffington Post, and spends a shameful amount of time on Twitter.


Why 243,734 Graphic Design Portfolios Reside at Carbonmade - Alexis Rodich, Washington Post

To date my exploration of technology and creativity has been primarily around music, but technology impacts art and artists of all kinds. My own path into the world of tech startups was rooted in my use of technology as a dancer--for marketing, networking and training purposes.One of my favorite online sources of creative inspiration is browsing through portfolios on Carbonmade Carbonmade is a site for artists of all kinds--from make-up and fine art to digital design and tattoo--to display portfolios online. One of the things I absolutely love is that the art is prominently displayed at the forefront. While there is space for an "about" section, it is almost unnecessary because the work speaks http://spencerfry.com/ for itself.

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Enough Overtheorizing Of Design Thinking. How About Let's Start With Design Thinking 101? - innovation playground Idris Mootee

I’ve written extensively and spoken publicly a lot about the myth of design thinking. Honestly I am a little tired reading about it. How people over theorized a very simple idea and now the term is becoming another buzzword. What is design thinking? Design thinking is not about design. It is about helping companies and individuals to think differently about strategic options and system impact. Futurists have been around for a long time, but design thinking combines with strategic foresight can help integrate the future(s) into existing strategies, not many organizations do that systematically and on an institution level.

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