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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries from April 1, 2012 - April 30, 2012


The Power of Reflection on Innovation - Dr Ralph Kerle, the Creative Leadership Forum

In creativity, it is often not until you have completed a piece of work that the obvious intent of the work appears to you.

This is particularly relevant in the case of innovation. Personal creativity, the input that produces organizational innovation, never follows a direct path and this has important strategic implications for organizations pursuing systemic innovation as a prime business objective.

Our challenge in developing the analytic, the Management Innovation Index™ (the MIX™), was to model an organization's innovation as a whole system in order to make innovation measurable. Over 3 years, we trialled...read more....


Samsung Smart Window Concept

Prepared to be surprised!! Neat design concept that combines the built environment with technology in a way that is domestically very useful and reclaims the real meaning of Window.


The Global Innovation Index - The Innovativeness of Nations 

INSEAD professor Soumitra Dutta’s Global Innovation Index helps show which nations are on the rise and which are not.

Why do some nations prosper while others struggle? Businesspeople, policymakers, and social scientists have sought to answer that question for centuries, starting as early as 1776, when Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations. A closely related question is, Why are some nations more innovative than others? Innovation is increasingly seen as the key to unlocking competitive advantage, as much for countries as for companies.

This is a great peice of work. Download and see the results of the Index here.


A New Model for Mentoring Startups in Emerging Markets - Linda Rottenberg’s High-Impact Endeavor

A great new piece from strategy and business.

Growing up in one of Rio de Janeiro’s impoverished favelas, Heloísa Helena Assis realized that there was enormous demand for an affordable product that would tame Brazilian women’s unruly curls. In 1993, Assis and her partners — a former nanny, a cabdriver, and a McDonald’s employee — started a business called Beleza Natural (“Natural Beauty”) in the basement of a modest house in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro. The company was an immediate success. Beleza Natural was soon scrambling to keep up with demand, unsure of how to pursue strategic growth with limited funding. Now she’s replicating it around the world.

Download and the read full article here


How to Make a Region Innovative - Booz&Co

A great new paper from Booz&Co on how to foster economic growth via innovation clusters that need to draw on the power of an interrelated “quad” of sectors: public, private, civil, and academic.

Download the full paper here.