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Why is the digital community important to business leaders?


The collaborative world of “Web 2.0” is rapidly scaling corporate walls—and democratising how business works.

The digital world is transforming your organisation and your role in it. Boundaries are being flattened—between managers and employees and between companies and their partners and customers. It is creating the business models for the future.

It has moved beyond well-known consumer services such as “Facebook” into the commercial world. Innovative digital technologies are enabling customers, employees, managers and business partners to communicate and share information in new ways. It is moving publishing into participation—and consumption into collaboration.

In this new digital community, the roles and skills of leaders are being transformed.

Leaders now need to understand how to use a range of digital media to interact more creatively and effectively. They also need to understand the business opportunities digital communities are creating for businesses to tap into the actions, contacts and talents of people worldwide.

The Process

The Creating Your Future in a Digital World leadership programme

  • - introduces you to the technologies of the digital world and social media
  • - explores the elements of establishing and monetising a digital community for profit and not-for-profit
  • - focuses on the elements of creative leadership in a digital community
  • - uses a Web2.0 simulation game to design a business model for the digital world.

The Outcome

The programme will provide you with:

  • a framework for understanding the digital world and its commercial opportunities
  • an introduction to the insights and tools required to develop creative leadership abilities in the digital community
  • practical experience with working in the new digital world

For further details on this programmes.