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The CLF Creative Leader Interviews on Leadership, Creativity and Innovation

A history of interviews with leaders by The Creative Leadership Forum and articles from the CLF



Creative Leadership in Eradicating Illiteracry - A Case Study from Egypt

Creative Leadership In Eradicating Illiteracy - A Case Study in Egypt from Ralph Kerle on Vimeo.

Sherif El Tokali, Assistant Resident Representative, Poverty Reducation, United Nations Development Programme, Egypt offers a quick insight into how a literacy programme designed around multi-media has had astonishing success with adult learners encouraged by their children to become computer literate initially as opposed to literate. To obtain full details of this programme and its aims and objectives go to the Egypt ICT Trust Fund.

A presentation The role of community telecentres in helping citizens help themselves offers further insight into how this programme's next step is being considered

The Innovation Plant's Innovation Process - the 72 Hour Innovation Race

Innovation Plant's Innovation Process - The 72 Hour Innovation Race from Ralph Kerle on Vimeo.

The Founder of Sweden's Innovation Plant, Kaj Mickos explains his company's unique innovation process involving an entire organization focusing for 72 hours on innovation - with some quite surprising results.

Sally Loane, Director, Media and Public Relations, Coca-Cola Amatil on Water, Sustainability and Innovation

Is it possible a bottler and retailer of water could be an innovator in the areas of water and sustainability? Sally Loane, former ABC journalist and now Director of Media and Public Relations, Coca-Cola Amatil talks about the importance of water and sustainability to regional business and what Coca Cola Australia is doing about it.. Watch this video and click here to download her full presentation.

Ralph Kerle, Executive Chairman, The Creative Leadership Forum interviews Dr John Best, Vice President, Technology, Research and Development - Thales

Ralph Kerle interviews Dr John Best, Vice President, Technology, Research and Development - Thales from Grant Crossley on Vimeo.

Ralph Kerle, Chairman of The Creative Leadership Forum interviews Dr John Best, Vice President, Technology, Research and Development of Thales, one of the world leaders in weapons development. Thales deliver weapon critical defence systems with a broad spectrum of products and services.
They talk about The Australian Transformation and Innovation Centre (ATIC), a facility where Thales has invested significantly in order nalysis,Communication,Military,to provide an environment where their customers can come in, experiment with the technology and trial the benefits of new products in a safe environment.
The importance of prototyping as an essential component in the creative process of product development is also discussed.


Ralph Kerle interviews Elizabeth Ann MacGregor, Executive Director Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney Australia

Ralph Kerle interviews Elizabeth Ann MacGregor, Executive Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney Australia from Grant Crossley on Vimeo.

Ralph Kerle interviews Elizabeth Ann MacGregor about her participation in the 2020 Summit and the role of art in the development of business, creativity and education