Articles and Papers
A library of articles written and published by Dr. Ralph Kerle on creative leadership and creativity.
Are Australian managers creative and Innovative?
(643K)A 35 page report summarising the result of an Australian national research report run in conjunction with leading industry bodies that sort an answer from 30,000 Australian managers to the question - Are Australian managers creative and Innovative?byRalph Kerle on June 28, 2011
Are Australian managers creative and Innovative? Launch Speech
(5.8M)The full text of a speech given by Ralph Kerle November 2008 launching the results of a national research project "Are Australian managers creative and innovative?"byRalph Kerle on June 28, 2011
Business and the Arts Natural Partners - Ralph Kerle
(46K)This article describes the relationship between business and the arts as a damaging one of mutual suspicion and recommends an ecological model as a solution. Original Printed by Marketing Magazine - Strategy FeaturebyRalph Kerle on April 13, 2008
Creative Solutions to Business Problems - Ralph Kerle
(281K)Can business adopt a more artistic way of thinking in order to extract full value from their most valuable asset – their employees. Originally published in the Australian Institute of Company Directors Director's JournalbyRalph Kerle on April 13, 2008
Creativity in Organisations - The MIX Background Paper - Ralph Kerle
(178K)The Management Innovation Index White Paper. With a history of theory and discussion over the last 100 years why has creativity in business not been better understood; analysis of a major research project in answer to the question "Are managers creative and innovative?"; a hypothesis for benchmark creativity to determine its value in an organizational context.byRalph Kerle on November 29, 2010
(3.2M)Haikugami - The New School of Business Poetry - the reinvention of the workshop feedback form.byRalph Kerle on September 14, 2011
Innovation Is Good Product Management - Adrienne Tan & Nick Coster
(2.5M)Organisations that consider innovations tend to focus on new technological gambles that are dubbed to be “innovative” but fail to deliver a commercial return. This paper contends that effective product management should be the heart of the company’s innovation program.byRalph Kerle on October 16, 2010
Its Not Industries That Are Creative, Its People - Ralph Kerle.
(211K)The case for developing a new language in business that recognizes people as the organization's most important asset and how to invest in that asset.byRalph Kerle on April 25, 2008
Managing Creativity and Innovation from an Organizational Economics Perspective
(172K)This white paper authored by Ralph Kerle explores the organizational dilemma of intangibility in innovation and the consequences of ignoring it; proposes a case for a systems thinking approach to organizational creativity to drive measurable innovation; reviews the importance of the emergence of the new field of organizational economics as a way of analyzing organizations and offers a method for measuring and managing the impact of creativity on the key measures for success of an organization or business in 21st Century.byRalph Kerle on June 28, 2011
Recommendations for Improving Marketing Decisions - Dean Harris
(637K)In an increasingly fast-moving world, marketers are required to make decisions where uncertainty dominates and they are under more pressure to succeed with limited budgets, resources and short-timelines. This paper explores the challenges, shortcomings and risks inherent in making strategic marketing decisions. :byRalph Kerle on October 16, 2010
Speaking About the Value - Ralph Kerle
(521K)Ralph Kerle explores creativity in the modern business landscape and argues we need a language that speaks to and about creative value, something we don't have. Marketing Magazine AustraliabyRalph Kerle on April 13, 2008
The Art of Business - Ralph Kerle
(217K)Ralph Kerle looks for creativity in business and finds a business course that teaches leaders how to think like artists. Originally published in Fast Thinking Magazine - Business StrategybyRalph Kerle on April 13, 2008
The Creative Edge - Strategies for 24.7 creativity - Ralph Kerle
(40K)A short article on how one work's creatively. Chapter from the book Creative Edges - Strategies for 24.7byRalph Kerle on April 13, 2008
The Crisis of Knowledge and the Pursuit of an Epistemology of Practice
(383K)This paper by the father of Reflective Practice, Donald Schon, discusses the inadequacy of a technicist approach to professional knowledge for dealing with real-world practice situations and calls for an alternative, reflective epistemology of practice.byRalph Kerle on May 8, 2012
The Power of Artistic Thinking - Ralph Kerle
(161K)Why businesses should be demanding tertiary courses on innovation. The Australian Newspaper Higher Education SupplementbyRalph Kerle on April 13, 2008
The Power of Reflection in Innovation.pdf
(51K)How the practice of reflection plays a vital role in understanding innovation with a short case studybyRalph Kerle on April 24, 2012
The World According to the Creatives
(60K)A history of the founding and development of the Creative Skills Training Council, Asia PacificbyRalph Kerle on April 28, 2008
We May Be The Lucky Country - But We are Not the Creative Country
(430K)A look at the emerging nature of creativity as a business and management philosophy at the turn of the century. The Australian Institute of Company Directors Journal October 2004byRalph Kerle on April 13, 2008
Why Leadership Styles Matter for Innovation Outcomes.
(82K)How leaders handle the ebb and flow of unresolved organisational tension is crucial to the implementation of innovation.byRalph Kerle on November 29, 2010
Will the BBC Become The World's Most Creative Organisation?
(45K)A World's Best Practice Case Study on the construct of a creativity and innovation project devised in-housebyRalph Kerle on November 29, 2010