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The Creative Leadership Forum Services and Products

The Analytic - Management Innovation Index

An analytic that focuses on an individual organization’s innovation by mapping and contrasting the existing alignment between culture, environment, strategy, practice and personal traits, behaviours and beliefs of the managers in the organization.

The Management Innovation Index collects data with the aim of establishing a global benchmark for innovation across levels and within departments acroos an entire organization.

The Training – Developing Organizational Creative Capabilities

A series of unique creative leadership, management innovation, creativity and innovation programmes aimed at developing manager’s creative behaviors and capabilities at all levels within organizations that can be tailored according to the results of the Management Innovation Index. The programmes range from one to five days in length, individual units over a 4 to 6 month period and/or individual executive coaching.

The Social Networking Platform - The Creativity Zone - Connecting and Commercialising Organizational Ideas

An on-line software platform that is the vehicle through which management and employees participate jointly to transform the organization into a social network of innovators enabling continual managed innovation at all levels to achieve the organisation’s goals and objectives

The Learning - The Creative Leadership Forum Learning Centre

An on-line eLearning platform delivering executive development direct to manager’s desktops on the 4C’s of creative leadership - context, conversation, collaboration and communication. This is offered publicly and can be tailored to an organization’s needs specifically.

For product and service information please contact: rk@thecreativeleadershipforum.com