“This manifesto is about creating revolutions. Not big political revolutions, although it could help there too, but revolutions of any size and in any field or industry. It is also about innovating, and how to be better at it and how innovations, properly nourished, are the catalysts of revolutions.
To start with, we should all recognize that innovation is a process, not an event. When the process results in dramatic change, it is called a revolution. At any one time there are numerous revolutions underway that will affect our life. We have a choice – we can be a part of the revolution or we can deal with it when it comes. In our modern world I really don’t think the latter option is a viable choice.”
About Patrick J. Howie | Patrick J. Howie (Maple Glen, PA) has spent two decades studying the social process of innovation as an economist, head of product development for a venture capital-backed start-up, and as creator of the social prediction website ABetterGuess.com. His work has been cited and published in numerous publications including Forbes, Fortune, Business Week, and The Wall Street Journal. Patrick holds a patent for A Unique Method and System of Analyzing the Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies.