Emotional Commitment at Work - Bury My Heart in Conference Room B | Change This
Friday, September 10, 2010 at 02:44PM
Ralph Kerle in Creative leadership, Innovation, Innovation, Work, behaviours, bsuiness, creative leadership

From the latest Change This, a nice short presentation by Stan Slap of "slap" entitled Bury My Heart in Conference Room B - Emotional Commitment at Work

The Abstract

“A manager’s emotional commitment is the ultimate trigger for their discretionary effort, worth more than financial, intellectual and physical commitment combined. It’s the kind of commitment that solves unsolvable problems, creates energy when all energy has been expended, and ignites emotional commitment in others, like employees, teams and customers. Emotional commitment means unchecked, unvarnished devotion to the company and its success; any legendary organizational performance is the result of emotionally committed managers.”

Article originally appeared on The Creative Leadership Forum - Collaborate - Create - Commercialise & Transformational Change (http://thecreativeleadershipforum.com/).
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