Education News
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 at 01:17PM
Grant Crossley in Arts, Harvard, Innovation, creativity, education, leadership, management, training

Chief Executives Report: 2009 - Education for Executive Leaders
In response to all the enquiries we have been receiving about executive coaching and education, we have prepared this special edition of The CLF News that covers some interviews from senior executives in the field, news from across the globe about education and our latest series of programmes we have running this year.

These include the AGSM Executive Program - Leadership for Creativityand Innovation, directed by our Chairman Ralph Kerle.


Creative Leaders Conversations

Tom Peters - Educate fora Creative Society

Stuart Hamilton - CEO Open Uni's

Sir Ken Robinson - Do Schools Kill Creativity

Gary Hammel - Management Must be Re-invented



Education News
Training executives has changed...

Uncompromising Leadership in Tough Times

Real Advice Hurts

Attitude and Positioning your Career

I want my MBA

The Arts and Education

Innovation Universities are Hot!

Leo Apotheker & Andrew McAffe - SAP v Harvard

Making Talent a Strategic Priority

Nathan Shedroff on Design Strategy

Harvard discuss future of MBA

Steven Schwartz - Universities are Schools

Innovation is only an Outcome - AGSM Roundtable


Article originally appeared on The Creative Leadership Forum - Collaborate - Create - Commercialise & Transformational Change (
See website for complete article licensing information.