Communication (and Coordination?) in a Modern, Complex Organisation
Wednesday, January 7, 2009 at 10:03PM
Grant Crossley in Communication, Complex organisation, Coordination, Planning, Productivity, Social networks, Technology, culture

Executive Summary:

Coordination, and the communication it implies, is central to the very existence of organizations. Despite their fundamental role in the purpose of organizations, scholars have little understanding of actual interaction patterns in modern, complex, multiunit firms. To open the proverbial "black box" and begin to reveal the internal wiring of the firm, this paper presents a detailed, descriptive analysis of the network of communications among members of a large, structurally, functionally, geographically, and strategically diverse firm. The full data set comprises more than 100 million electronic mail messages and over 60 million electronic calendar entries for a sample of more 30,000 employees over a three-month period in 2006. Key concepts include:


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