of their most popular programmes now in its seventh season is Big Ideas, the
antithesis of the prevailing sound-bite television norm. Engaging, articulate
speakers stand behind lecterns across Ontario addressing audiences - a stark,
on-air aesthetic running counter to fast edits and whizzy sound effects. Big
Ideas offers a variety of thought-provoking topics which range across politics,
culture, economics, art history, science and the array of speakers is
astounding. Names such as Naomi Klein, Oliver Sachs,Deepak Chopra and Steven Pinker indicate the level of lecturer.
"BIG IDEAS is a showcase of ideas that shape our public debates. At their best the lectures featured on the program expose us to the differing ways of defining what matters and how that affects our understanding of the world as it is and as it is likely to be," adds Szemberg. "Each age has a set of questions by which it defines itself. If, 50 years from now, someone came across a list of BIG IDEAS shows, they would have a pretty good idea of what people thought about and debated in the early 2000s."