"Inspiring Leadership" is a 20 part Canadian public radio series created and produced by Don Hill, a former CBC journalist in association with the Banff Centre Leadership Development Programme. This first programme, 30 minutes in length, provides a snapshot for a philosophy of leadership in the 21st Century. It contains a series of excellent interviews with the likes of Leroy Little Bear, former Executive Director, Native Studies Harvard; Dr Harold Nelson Founder, the Advanced Design Institute and author of the Design Way, Professor Patricia Madsen, Professor of Drama, Stanford University and a Constructive Living Instructor, Colin Funk, Creative Director, the Banff Centre Leadership Development; Michael Chender, Founder, the Shambhala Institute for Authentic Leadership; David Horth, Senior Artist In Training, the Centre for Creative Leadership and President US Creative Education Foundation: Brian Crowley, Founder, the Atlantic Institute for Public Studies and Futurist and Ralph Kerle, CEO, the Creative Leadership Forum.
Listen the podcast of the first programme. The complete set of programmes can be downloaded at CKUA under archived programme titled "Inspiring Leadership"